Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Hays Paddock development and pavilion May 2010

There is an opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions on current and future use of Hays Paddock, Kew East.
The pavilion in Hays Paddock is scheduled for redevelopment by Boroondara Council in 2010 as part of this initiative.
A public meeting was held by Council at Hays Paddock Pavilion on 29 April 2009 for local residents.  
It is encouraging  that many comments voiced through the Boroondara Sustainability Network, Lighter Footprints and FOHP (Friends of Hays Paddock) have been noted.
There were 50 or so attendees, standing room only,  the venue (one Club's clubroom in Pavilion) was not really big enough for the crowd as it turned out.
The  meeting seemed to be very successful in terms of what we would like to see happen going forward. David Crowe stressed this is just the 1st opportunity, see next steps below.
Keith Lodge spoke eloquently and knowledgable about the Hays Paddock history and the "1980 Concept plan"
 Cr Brad Miles summed up at the end as follows:
 1) "1980 Concept plan"  has been re-presented and proposed as a proxy for what we may want. Council is inviting written comments (we need to comment - see below).
 2) Council (led by Steven White, Mgr Projects & Strategy) have examined options for pavilion location (current location preferred), and then whether to build or renew (current preferred suggested by Planning is renovate and extend say 25%).  ESD (enviro sustainable design) features are to be incorporated.
However, the tabled plan seems to lack a really good community/utility space that is not shared change room space with "operable walls".  (i.e. concertina to open up space into change rooms).
Comments and feedback on this to Council can be provided.
 3) Brad Miles proposed that a "reference group"   could be set up.
This would consist of 10 User nominees, typically representing formal and informal Park users. David Crowe asked people to self-nominate to him by email if they would like to be part of this


  • Groups and invididuals can comment using the form and email address provide here. Feedback can be submitted by hardcopy or email.
  • Individuals  should strongly consider nominating for the "Reference Group"
This update was provided by Mick Nolan from Lighter Footprints.

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