Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Ride to Work Day in Boroondara Wed 16 October in Chandler Park

Ride to Work Day is on Wednesday 16th October and the Boroondara breakfast runs from 6.30am to 9am.
There will be free breakfast, marquees and port-a-loos, and lots of good company and useful information.
There new location this year is in Chandler Park, just behind the Guide Dogs on the Main Yarra Trail  [map].  
Anyone riding a bike is welcome – you don’t have to be riding to work.
There delicious free breakfast for anyone on a bike includes:
  • A coffee barista
  • Yummy egg and bacon sandwiches, 
  • Bicycle powered fruit smoothies, 
  • Fresh fruit
  • Freshly baked muffins

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Boroondara Sustainability Festival Saturday18 Feb 2012

  • Time: 08:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Location: Boroondara Farmers Market, Patterson Reserve, Auburn Road, Hawthorn East
  • Contact: Environment and Sustainable Living department - 9278 4011
  • Price $2 (entry to Farmers Market)
Come along to the Boroondara Sustainable Living Festival and get expert advice, hands-on experience and a range of freebies to help you make healthier and more sustainable choices at home. The Sustainability Festival will run alongside the Boroondara Farmers Market.
The program includes:
  • Chris Humfrey of ABC1’s Wild Life series will bring his amazing collection of native animals, including koalas, gliders, kookaburras, snakes, frogs and lizards.
  • Sustainability experts will conduct sessions on growing your own foodkeeping backyard bees and chookssolar power at homehabitat gardeninggreen cleaninge-waste and recyclingworm farming and more.
  • Hands-on demonstrations including beekeeping, chooks, worm farming and productive gardening.
  • Free herb and veggie seedlings, and indigenous plant tube stock.
  • Big discounts on worm farm kits purchased on the day (Note: cash only)
  • Try out the latest in electric bikes
  • Delicious food, fresh produce and atmosphere of the Boroondara Farmers Market.
The Boroondara Sustainability Festival will be run together with the Farmers Market at Patterson Reserve, Auburn Road, Hawthorn East. The festival and market will run from 8.00 am until 1.00 pm.
More details: Sustainable Living Festival - 2012, City of Boroondara 

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Kew locals supporting local farmers in the Year of the Farmer

MEDIA RELEASE: For immediate release
Transition Town Kew Food Co-operative
Kew, Victoria, Monday 27th February 2012
Over the past year and a half, the white Green Gully Organics Farm van has become a familiar sight outside the Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre (KNLC) on a Thursday evening.  Each week, Shelley Heppell, whose husband Craig runs the Green Gully Organics Farm, drives from Macclesfield to the KNLC with her van full of vegetable boxes for the Transition Town Kew Food Co-operative.  
The Co-op provides an opportunity for members to buy their vegetables direct from a local certified organic grower at a central community hub.  Boxes come in two sizes, small (for 1-2 people ) and large (for a family), and contain an assortment of freshly picked mixed organic seasonal vegetables.  
Initiated in 2010 by the sustainability group Transition Town Boroondara, the Co-op was covered in a story by Bianca Carmona and published in the Progress Leader on 10 August 2010.  "We were bowled over by the huge amount of interest from the article; we had over one hundred people express interest and sixty individuals come along to our information session’ recalls Michelle, a member of the steering committee.  Since then the Co-op has seen a regular group of members form who are now quite familiar with one another, where some singles share boxes, while other members pick them up for each other.  
A welcome impact of the membership for some members has been a noticeable increase in their intake of vegetables.  "As the week comes around again, I find myself trying to use up the veggies left in the fridge to make room for the fresh ones coming on Thursday"  remarks says Kirsten a regular co-op member "where before I used to try and stretch out what I had until I had time to go to the shops again". 
Part of the uniqueness of the arrangement is the fact that the box contents are a surprise each week with members receiving what is fresh and in season from the farm.   Another member remarks "as the seasons change, the farmer brings along different produce.  When spring came around, farmer Shelley had asparagus in our boxes of vegetables; eaten with fresh parmesan, a poached egg and a little olive oil, it was such a treat.  Not only were they so easy but they tasted so delicious."
To find out more join us on a Thursday evening during one of our pick up evenings, these take place every Thursday from 5:15 - 6:15pm at the Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre (2-12 Derby St, Kew).  
A photo opportunity may be arranged to include our farmers Craig and Shelley at the Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre during a veggie box pick up evening by contacting Shelley Heppell 0413 596 329.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Ashburton cogeneration plant opened by Mayor Heinz Kreutz

Boroondara's recently elected Mayor Heinz Kreutz, opened the Ashburton cogeneration plant on Thursday 15 Decemb er 2011.  The plant uses natural gas in a piston engine to generate electricty for the Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre.
Heat generated by the engine is used to heat the swimming pool.  A standard German-made cogeneration unit was installed in the existing equipment room.
The plant will save carbon emissions equivalent to taking 300 cars off the roads, and saves ratepayers $70,000 per year in electricity bills, and was commissioned as part of Boroondara's Our Low Carbon Future strategy.  
Carolyn Ingvarson and Mick Nolan (from Lighter footprints) and Peter Campbell attended this event, and congratulated the City of Boroondara for this energy and money saving initiative that also reduces our carbon emissions.
Following this successful pilot, similar cogeneration plants will be used in other locations within the City of Boroondara and elsewhere.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Boroondara Sustainability Network meeting - Our Low Carbon Future Strategy

Boroondara Sustainability Network meeting - Our Low Carbon Future Strategy

  • Date: 7pm Tue 15 November 2011.
  • Venue: Boroondara Room, Council Offices,  8 Inglesby Road, Camberwell (Melway 59 J1)
  • Purpose of meeting: An opportunity to provide input to the Our Low Carbon Future strategy for 2012-2015


Carolyn Ingvarson, Heinz Kreutz, Mick Nolan, Peter Campbell (minutes), Robert Brown, Mathew Dixon (Council), Nicola Hoey (Council), Michaela Skett (Council), Jenny Henty.


Liz Burton, David Coote, Garry McDonald


Briefing notes for discussion at the meeting (PDF)

Lighter Footprints submission

General discussion points

  • T5 street lighting is progressing and will provide siginficant emission reductions.
  • The Asburton Pool Cogenergation plant is operational.  A template is being developed for further similar installations within Boroondara and elseware.
  • The Boroondara community has much higher emissions than Council buildings and operations, so the strategy could extend to influence emission reductions within the community.  
  • Transport sector provides opportunities for reducing emissions - shifting car trips to bicycle, walking and public transport.  Opportunity to set targets for modal shifts.  Carbon emission reductions associated with modal shifts not currently estimated or measured. A meeting the Council's transport department could flesh this out further.
  • Improved cycling network.  Council has been making good improvements on existing paths such as the Anniversary Trail and Gardiners Creek bike path.  However, a more comprehensive network of safe cycling paths - separated from other vehicles and suitable for local and family use - is needed across Boroondara
  • Waste. Opportunities for Council to promote use of worm farms and other waste minimisation strategies.  Methane production and associated energy generation from landfill is not currently accounted for in Boroondara as waste is transport to Western suburbs landfill rather than to the Clayton landfill (part owned by Council)
  • In home display meters show energy usage and can strongly influence efficiencies and behaviours in homes.  There is an opportunity for Council to identify and promote a cheap and effective In Home Display for residents.
  • Reducing traffic near schools promotes walking and cycling as low emission alternatives.  The impetus for this needs to come from School communities rather than Council.
  • A Revolving Energy Fund could be established to fund energy efficiency initiatives, the benefits of which can accrue back to the fund for re-investiment.  For example, this could be used to replace all remaining electric hotwater systems and bar radiators in Council buildings.
  • Rate savings could be achieved by reducing Council expenditure on energy, or increases in rates could be avoided.  This needs to be quantified.
  • Transport of recycled water to ovals and reserves has siginficant carbon emissions.  These could be avoided by installation of local stormwater capture and usage.
  • Backyard food swaps, Sharehood and Sustainabilty Street are Local community initiatives such as can provide means for people to share information and local resources.
  • Independant assessments (e.g. 20%) or random audits of compliance with the Sustainable Building Policy could improve adherence to it.
  • Council is interesting in supporting community-initiated projects associated with emission reductions and sustainability.
Further feedback and input to the Our Low Carbon Future Strategy can be sent to Michaela Skett via

Visit to Ashburton Cogeneration Facility

The formal opening of the Ashburton Cogeneration facility is scheduled for 15 December, but this be a very limited opportunity for viewing the generator.
Action: Peter Campbell to liaise with Mathew Dixon to schedule a evening tour of the Ashburton Cogeneration facility with BSN members.

Next meeting

  • Eco Living Centre consultation, 7pm Wed 30 November 2011.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Preserving Delta Street, a unique unsealed road in Boroondara with heritage values

Friends of Delta Street, a group formed recently to protect and preserve Delta Street in Surrey Hills, have advised that Boroondara Council plans to pave and widen the street.

For those that haven't visited Delta Street, it is one of the very few remaining "dirt roads" in the City of Boroondara.  The street runs adjacent to a portion of South Surrey Park.  It is narrow and unsealed and has a country lane ambience.    
Delta Street is living history. It is the LAST significant unsealed road in Boroondara.
Many local residents use the street as a walkway to access South Surrey Park.  It is pedestrian-friendly as there is very little vehicle traffic due to the street's narrow width and unsealed surface.
Some locals even take international visitors to see "the dirt road in Boroondara".
Council Officers have advised that are recommending that Delta Street be paved to solve drainage issues and reduce maintenance.
The limited community consultation, conducted with residents directly adjacent to Delta Street, resulted in a large majority of them indicating they want the unsealed surface retained.  
Friends of Delta Street have commissioned an engineer who has prepared an alternate plan that retains the country lane surface without widening the street. This plan also addresses Council and resident concerns about drainage and maintenance.
This flyer from Friends of Delta Street provides more information [link]
You might like to visit Delta Street and a have a look at what we all have to lose.
Boroondara Council will be voting on this matter on Monday June 20th 2011. 
You can also:
  • Complete the petition in the flyer and drop it into 34 Arundel Cres, Surrey Hills, 3127.
  • Let your concerns be known to ALL City of Boroondara Councillors.  Their email addresses are here.
  • Attend the meeting at the Council Chambers, 8 Inglesby Rd, Camberwell at 6PM on June 20th 2011.
  • To be kept up to date, email


Update 20 June 2011

Council voted to retain the unsealed surface and undertake works to fix drainage issues, with the situation to be reviewed in 12 months.  For: Cr Kevin Chow, Cr Dick Menting, Cr Phil Meggs, Cr Coral Ross.  Against: Cr Phillip Healey, Cr Brad Miles, Cr Jack Wegman.  Absent: Cr Nicholas Tragas, Cr Heinz Kreutz, Cr David Bloom.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Ride to Work Day's Camberwell Community Breakfast Wednesday 13 Oct 2010

Boroondara Council is providing another community breakfast with all sorts of attractions, including lots of yummy free food and drinks.  Have a massage, get your bike engraved by the police and collect your free ravelSmart map.  It's also a great opportunity to chat to other cyclists, including members of the Boroondara Bicycle Users Group (BBUG).  
If you have any issues with cycling through Boroondara this is your chance to put them on record.  Mark them on the TravelSmart map, write them up and put them in the suggestion box, or just tell the BBUG about them.  
  • When: 7.00 to 8.30am on Wednesday, 13 October
  • Where: Camberwell Civic Centre, 340 Camberwell Rd. Mel.y 59 J1
  • Contact: Julia Blunden: