Thursday, 25 March 2010

Boroondara Low Carbon Future Strategy 2010

 The City of Boroondara has published their Low Carbon Future Strategy.
This strategy allows a flexible approach to account for the rapidly changing political and social context surrounding climate change and greenhouse gas abatement, and the emergence of new technologies and practice.
The City of Boroondara proposes two clear and ambitious targets in the strategy:
  • Corporate target - To reduce Council’s corporate greenhouse gas emissions by 30 - 40% below 2007/08 levels by 2020.
  • Council’s community measures target - To support programs and projects with the community that achieve emission reductions of 12,400 tonnes CO2-e in the first year (2009 / 10) and an abatement total of at least 50,000 tonnes CO2-e by 2020.
The strategy also includes an action plan for the initial three-year period that clearly prioritises improving energy efficiency within Council operations and amongst our community and businesses.
You can download a copy of the strategy from the Council here.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Boroondara Sustainability Network Meeting minutes 16 March 2010

Status: Issued
Date & time: 7pm Tuesday 16 March 2010
Venue: Council Offices,  8 Inglesby Road, Camberwell (Melway 59 J1)

Ken Coghill, Shaun Knott, Paul Fritze, David Coote, Heinz Kreutz, Bob Stensholt, Liz Burton, Fiona Armstrong, Peter Campbell (minutes)

Michael Staindl, Carolyn Ingvarson, Razia Ross, Michael Nolan, Rosalyn Kelleher, Julia Thornton

1.              Member updates on their group projects, activities and upcoming events

Bob Stensholt
  • Ceramic fuel cells that use gas and are 85% efficient are an option for reducing reliance on coal fired power stations (2kW ~ $10,000) but still have carbon emissions
  • Keen to complete Gardiners Creek bike path missing link at Warrigal Road by mid 2011
  • Possibility of getting funding from Climate Communities (Victorian State Government) for establishing a Community Garden Network with community outreach in Boroondara

Eastern Suburbs Permaculture (David Coote)
  • Conducting some home assessments
  • Interested in status of Boroondara Low Carbon strategy

Lighter Footprints (Fiona Armstrong, Ken Coghill)
  • Held Rewrite the Future – Climate Conversations Forum recently; report on outcomes and feedback will be issued
  • Beyond Zero Emissions presented on the Zero Carbon Emissions from Stationary Energy by 2020 plan
  • Held a group strategy day recently and are establishing 3 activity streams (Local, State/Federal & Internal)
  • Working on development of Victorian Safe Climate Bill (FA)

Boroondara Residents Action Group (Liz Burton)
  • Campaigning on regionalisation of development
  • Concerned about lack of public transport infrastructure
  • Camberwell Station development now approved and proceeding

Transition Town Boroondara (Peter Campbell, Razia Ross via email)
  • More community gardens need to be planned for Boroondara as more people want to grow their own vegetables – linkage with possible Community Gardening Network project
  • Communication with council about establishing urban orchards in Boroondara
  • Communication with council on improving bike paths and providing more bike paths
  • Request a progress report from Council about the proposed Eco Centre
  • Request for discussion about BSN being more reliably interactive with other local groups.

Action: PC to write to Council requesting update and/or presentation on status of Eco Centre, Low Carbon Strategy, and urban orchards

2. Community gardens (HK)
Community gardens are already in use at:
  • Hawthorn (near Glenferrie Oval)
  • Camberwell (near skate park)
  • Balwyn
  • Markham Reserve Ashburton
  • Canterbury – old bowling club site

Other potential sites are available across Boroondara but as yet no strategy or plans are in place to utilise them

3. Cycling
  • East West cycle route – community committee being formed to cover full length of route from Mitcham to Yarra (Peter Campbell)
  • Completing the Gardiners Creek Bike Trail missing link  - work is in progress – expected to be complete by mid 2011
  • bike /pedestrian underpass south side of Eastern Freeway at Bulleen Road has been requested by local residents (via Michael Nolan)
  • Darebin Bike Path Link – Yarra Bridge construction has not yet commenced, Parks Victoria have flagged possible changes to specifications of bridge (Heinz Kreutz).

Action: PC to write to Jim Hondrakis requesting expected completion date of Gardiners Creek bicycle path connection works

4. Council budget and priorities for 2010-11
Draft budget for Boroondara Council is still being prepared and could be circulated for community feedback by early to mid April 2010.  BSN members groups will be advised of release date and opportunity to provide their feedback and input direct to Council.

5. Hays paddock pavilion redevelopment
Local residents (via Michael Nolan) have requested that the pavilion be redeveloped with sustainable features fitted rather than demolished and re-built.

Action: PC to request update from Council on status of Hays Paddock Pavilion redevelopment and sustainability features.

6. Discussion on purpose and function of network
Articles of Association are not yet finalised.  Item carried over to next meeting.

7. Website

Recently updated with events from member groups and notice of Boroondara Sustainability Expo on Saturday 20/3/2010.

Member groups can author specific project pages on this website themselves if they wish.

Final drafts of meeting minutes will be published on the website.

8. Email Group
Group now set up for BSN groups, members and supporter:

Decision made to keep group as open for members to email to rather than for distribution only.

9 Meeting dates for 2010
  • Tuesday 27 April 2010 - rescheduled to Tuesday 4 May 2010
  • Tuesday 8 June 2010
  • Tuesday 10 August 2010
  • Tuesday 12 October 2010
  • Tuesday 7 December 2010

Meeting closed 9:30pm