Tuesday 12 October 2010

Boroondara Sustainability Network Meeting Minutes 12 Oct 2010

Time and Date: 7pm Tuesday 12 October
Where:  Blackwood Room, 8 Inglesby Road, Camberwell (Melway 59 J1).


Ken Coghill, Carolyn Ingvarson, Heinz Kreutz, Mick Nolan, Liz Burton, Julia Thornton, Paul Fritz, Michael Staindl, Peter Campbell (minutes), David Coote, Richard Webb, Fred Garrecht


Svenja Keele 

Member updates on their group projects, activities and upcoming events

Lighter Footprints.  Education and energy measurement in the home project underway (funded by Council).  Kits and video will be available.  Also organising and "Innovation Panel" community meeting with local politicians.

Transition Towns Boroondara food cooperative is now up and running.
More details: http://www.farmgateway.org/transition-kew-food-coop.html
Recycling and waste reduction (Heinz Kreutz) - funding is available for projects. Government revenue has increased by $50m per year from the landfill levy.  $40m to EPA, $40m to Sustainability Victoria, $5m to Melbourne Waste Management Group.
BSN members can send project ideas Heinz.
Eastern Suburbs Permaculture Group (ESPG).  Monthly meetings being held.  Tracking

Eco Living Centre Update

Site selection and design phase in progress

Energy efficiency of new Council buildings and redevelopments

Draft policy document is still being prepared; timeline is for it to be finalised this year.  Community consultation process on the document is uncertain.

Proposals to reduce the energy savings gap

Action: PC to publish previous proposals/suggestions from David Coote on BSN website.

Hays paddock pavilion redevelopment

Community consultation in progress on this project.  Member groups are contributing to get sustainable outcomes, 17 people are on the steering committee.  Redevelopment of the pavilion is favoured.

Sustainability awards

Member groups are advised that nominations are open for Council Sustrainability Awards.  Nomination packs provided by Svenja Keele were distributed at the meeting.

Council budget and priorities for 2010-11

Budgets are currently being drafted within Council, so member groups are advised to make submissions prior to the end of 2010.

East West cycle route

Boroondara Bicycle User Group is requesting that Council prioritise this route and request State Government to undertake study of route alignment along the railway easement.

General business

Incorporation of BSN.  Heinz Kreutz stated that this would be revisited in 2011.
 Action: Peter Campbell to put draft constitution on website.

Next meeting

Tuesday 7 December 2010

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