Wednesday 21 January 2009

Boroondara Sustainability Network meetring 21 Jan 2009

Minutes of January 2009 Meeting

The first meeting of 2009 was held on 21 January , 6-9pm; Fountainview Room; Municipal Offices City of Boroondara, Camberwell.
In attendance: Ray Walford (RW), Liz Burton (LB), Ken Coghill (KC), Julia Thornton (JT), Graham Ellis (GE), Velda Ellis (VE), Razia Ross (RR), Caroly Ingvarsons (CI), Peter Campbell (PC), Torrey Orton (TO, facilitator), Heinz Kreutz (HK)
Apologies: Tony Hodgson (TH), Roslyn Kelleher (RK), Anna Mezetti (AM), Karen Tillman (KT), Bob Stensholt (BS)
The meeting concentrated on drafting an finalising the
a)    mission/vision of the BSN
b)    structure/function of the BSN
c)    a list of achievable projects for the short- and mid-term future.
Draft versions of a) –c) were the subject of several email exchanges between group members and have been posted on the BSN website at Please see PC’s emails Fri/Sat 23/24 January about how to access the member’s area and add/edit texts.
Action:         Members to check and agree on final version by Wednesday 28 Januar
Following a broad discussion about the BSN’s purpose, function, potential scope, mission etc., there was unanimous agreement at BSN should be formally established and a motion to that effect was passed (Moved KV, seconded PC). In addition, there was consent that RW, LB, HK, KC, JT, GE, VE, RR, CI, RK, TH were to be recorded as the founding members of the BSN. It was also agreed that the BSN should become incorporated. While admin and organisational matters are to be kept as simple as possible, incorporation has a number of practical advantages which ought to be pursued (e.g. community grant applications, donations).
Action:         HK to write draft constitution. (n.b.: first version circulated to several group  members on Sat 24 Jan; feedback to be incorporated by Wed 28n Jan.)
In view of the fact that under Victorian legislation an association, in order to become incorporated, must hold a meeting of which all members are given notice at least 21 days notice, it is proposed that a notice be sent out by no later than 4 Feb 2009 to all BSN member. This will achieve the 21-day notice requirement for the next scheduled meeting on 25 February.
Action:        HK to finalise constitution and distribute agenda February a minimum of 21 days prior to the next scheduled BSN meeting on 25  Feb 2009.
BSN membership, advertising and recruitment were also raised. It was agreed that the Sustainable Living Festival (20-22 Feb 2009) would provide a good opportunity to promote the BSN. It is also proposed to contact local media (Progress Leader) to advertise the BSN.
Action: HK to organise BSN presence at the SLF (further info re SLF see below.). HK and others to draft media release after incorporation on 25 February 2009 and get in touch with local journalist.
Sustainable Living Festival:
The BSN has been successful in registering a table at the forthcoming SLF and will be located in the same marquis as the CEN and the BZE group.
Action:HK to complete and return stage-2 documentation (‘exhibitor questionnaire’) required by the SLF organisers by 30 January 2009.
HK and others to communicate to existing Boroondara CAGs and community based environment action groups (EAGs) the option of making available promotion material at the SLF.

Climate Summit
HK will be attending Australia’s Climate Action Summit in Canberra (ACAS) 31 Jan – 3 Feb 2009. Other Boroondara groups and individuals will also be attending (e.g. Families facing Climate Change) and have contributed, either directly or indirectly (e.g. via CEN) to the ACAS’ draft policy position paper on climate change.
Action:        HK to circulate ACAS’ policy position paper (draft 2) and pre-poll from to BSN members and seek feedback on the paper by Thu 20 Feb a.m.

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